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SLDLeague Rules
1. Team Requirements
2. Team Rules
3 League Setup
   3.1 SLDL Admin
   3.2 Rosters
   3.3 Server
   3.4 Scoring
   3.5 Screenshots
   3.6 Demos
   3.7 Class Limits
   3.8 Format
4. Scheduling
5. Match Play
   *Prematch, During, End

1.Team Requirements
Participants in the SunLits DOD League must meet the following requirements.
a) Clan tag and Name that does not exist currently in the league.
b) A Listed team leader and scheduler and their emails.
c) Must have minimum of 7 active members.
d) Must submit the steam ids and names of the team's roster. Players may be members of more than one clan,
as long as they are only a member of one team participating in SLDL.

2. Team Rules
2.1 We expect that no clan employs any actions that would give them an unfair advantage over another team.
Do not use:
* Dx 7.0 switch : All players must play using either "-dxlevel 80", "-dxlevel 81", or "-dxlevel 90".
* cheats include, but are not limited to: the use of outside programs to aid in the visual location of players on a map; the use of outside programs to aid in targeting players on a map; altering gamma and sound settings outside the standard allowable range; altering rates outside the standard allowable range; adding, deleting or modifying player and environment models and skins; boosting of players and the exploit of map features not clearly intended for that purpose by the map designer.
* map bugs or exploits:
A position is NOT an map exploit as long as:
     * the player can be seen
     * is not behind an invisible "bullet proof" wall and can still be killed
     * didn't walk "through" a fence or wall
     * did not "slide up" an incline
     * required no boost
     * did not walk in sky, tree lines, or along invisible ledges etc to reach the position
     * did not walk under the map
     * is "in" the map on the path to the final position and at the final position
(If a player is "outside" the map. they will notice that the map textures disappear or start flashing, an indication that the map designer didn't intend for the player to be there. )
     * is not on the outside wall/perimeter of the map
If you are in doubt a possible map bug/exploit, please ask a league organizer at least 24 hours before the match date.

2.2 This season the SLDL is running a cvar and file consistency plugin. Stock sniper crosshairs are mandatory. And Rates must meet the minimum of rate 10000, cl_cmdrate 60, cl_updaterate 60

The only custom files allowed are:
Custom Crosshairs
Custom Huds -transparent death message backgrounds, small fonts, w/o stats
Victory Music - low volume, short duration

Any other custom files will block your entry to the server.

2.3 Spawn camping is allowed. Grenading, shooting or entering the actual spawning area = spawn killing is not.

2.4 Boosting and roofing are not allowed.

2.5 No discussion by members of either clan on global (mm1) chat except the customary good game and good luck before and after a match. The exception to this, is that leaders may converse with one another about match and/or round play.
Any necessary communications to be between team captains only. In game voice commands are allowed. "Negativing" the opposing team is considered an mm1 infraction.

2.6 Third party communication programs such as Team Speak and Ventrillo are acceptable

2.7 Common courtesy and good sportsmanship is to be extended to all clans involved, whether commenting during a game, in the forums, HLTV, or in outside communication. Malicious or retaliatory behaviour may result in an unsportsmanlike penalty to the player(s) involved.

2.8 Players are required to record demos and screenshots, archive them for 1 week and have them available for review if requested.

2.9 Source Tv is allowed. It must run on a 180 sec delay. The sourcetv demo must be made available to the opposing team at their request. If spectators are allowed, the visiting team must be supplied with the sourcetv ip and any password and allowed an equal number of spectator slots.


3.0 League Setup
The league will consist of two conferences based on skill-experinece level.

In each match, the two teams (6v6) will play one round as axis and one round as allies for 20 minutes a side.
There will be a 5 minute intermission between rounds.
The winner will be decided by the total points of both rounds.

Communication Within SLDL
3.1 You can contact the SLDL Admin
League Organizers:

Dispute Panel:

AC| Admin:

#SLDL channel mirc,, is available to the league participants

SLDL Vent, public channel is available. Your version and SLDL Vent version different ? Check out the Faqs for instructions for having both installed.

3.2 Rosters
Rosters are open up until the 5th week of the regular season. The rosters are open on Tuesday through Friday. It is the responsibility of both clans to check the rosters of their opponents before match time. A non-rostered player maybe allowed to play ONLY if the opposing team agrees in global chat and screenshots are taken of the agreement. Post match complaints about non-rostered players will not be entertained by SLDL admin.

3.3 Server
League matches will be hosted by the Home team for that week.
Servers must use the SLDL match configuration (sldls.cfg), have VAC enabled and the cvarx plugin installed.
These files can be downloaded as a zip from the SLDL9 Maps page .
Source TV is allowed as long as there is a minimum of 3 min delay and the visiting team is given the ip and any password.

3.4 Scoring
The points awarded in matchplay are based only on flag/objective points , any additional points awarded by capping all the flags, as well as from "ticks" for holding flags over time.
The scoring is not based on kill:death ratios.
Matches will be scored as follows:
Each cap is worth 50 points in addition to the points accumulated for holding strategic flags.

At the end of the first half the scoreboard shows
Allies: 2 +26, Axis: 3 +14, the score would be
Allies: 126, Axis: 164 for the first half.
At the end of the second round the scoreboard shows
Allies: 1 +17, Axis: 0 +39, the score would be
Allies: 67, Axis: 39 for the second half.

The total for the match would then be both halves combined:

Team 1: 231 ( Axis 1st half plus Allies 2nd half )
Team 2: 165 ( Allies 1st half plus Axis 2nd half )

In the case of a forfeit, the winning team will receive 75 points for each unplayed round to a total of 150 points. The team that forfeits receives 0 game points and 0 points in the Standings for that match.
If the forfeit results from a team being unable to complete or play the second round, the winnning team will retain the the points scored for the first round and receive 75 points for the unplayed round. The forfeit team receives 0 game points and 0 points in the Standings.

3.5 Screenshots
Every match played must have a round screenshot, provided by the hosting server, showing the player name, IP address, and SteamID for every player. It is the responsibility of both teams that this happen. This can be either from HLSW or "rcon status" (if you have rcon access to the server) or "ma_users" (mani admin) in the console. Type "jpeg" in the console to get the screenshot.
All players from both teams must be on the server for screenshots.
EVERY player is required to take 2 screenshots per round, totaling 4 screenshots for the entire match:
- one screenshot per round showing "net_graph 3" and "_cl_minimap 2", jpeg_quality 100, showing at least one player from the opposing team.
- one screenshot per round showing "net_graph 3", "_cl_minimap 2", and the scoreboard (the 'tabbed' screenshot),jpeg_quality 100 .

In addition to the above screenshots, the following classes must take one additional screenshot each round:
- snipers are required to take one screenshot while scoped-in for each round
- rifle classes are required to take one screenshot showing iron sights for each round
If you change classes during a match, you must take an additional screenshot (scoped/iron sights if changing to sniper/rifle)
Recap: minimum 4 screenshots per match for every player, minimum 6 screenshots per match for all rifle classes.
All potential dispute evidence MUST be kept for a minimum of one week.

3.6 Demos
Participants are required to record first-person demos of all league matches and keep those demos for a period of no less than one week.
Players must also stop demos between halves and start a new demo for the second half.
- In the case of all disputes, League administrators will review all demos.
- If a player fails to upload their demo, a match win may be nullified and result in a forfeit as well as suspension or expulsion of players.
- SourceTV demos are not an acceptable substitute UNLESS SLDL Admin have permitted its use due to Source update glitch in recording normal demos. Such an exception will be announced in the SLDL Announcements

Any participant not having demos will have the following penalties imposed:
- A minimum of a 1-match suspension per missing half from league play
- player is subject to random demo pulls for the rest of the season

SLDL reserves the right to request any participant's demos/screenshots at any given time during the season.
- Participants are expected to submit any demo/screenshot requested within 48 hours.
The penalties can include suspension, and up to expulsion from the SLDL, depending on the circumstances surrounding the demo.
Corrupt, missing demos will be considered a missing demo and the match may be overturned.

3.7 Class Limits
The following class limits will be imposed on every map, regardless of the settings made by the mapper.
1 mg, 1 sniper, 3 rifles, 2 heavies, 1 bazooka/panzerschrek and two tommy / mp40.
garand 3
thompsons 2
bar 2
sniper 1
mg30cal 1
bazooka 1

kar98 3
mp40 2
stg 44 2
sniper 1
mg42 1
panzerschrek 1

The rules do allow for picking up a loose weapon from a "fallen" player.
A player is "rewarded" with an opponent's weapon.
A player can also pick up a fallen team mate's weapon to hold a critical position.

This does NOT mean that players are permitted to deliberately generate weapons for their team mates, circumventing the class limits. Actions such as "sniper backing" , swapping weapons in spawn, dropping a weapon with a console suicide to respawn with another or any such tricks to stack the teams is prohibited and will have the same consequences as a class limit violation.

3.8 Format of League
This league will be based on three phases.
There will be a 2 week preseason for teams to work out rosters and any questions about the league format.
In the regular season, each team will play 8 games.

The last phase will be the Finals in which:
Top eight teams will square off against eachother in the post season matches.
Positions determined by win loss record at the end of the season
A tie in standings will be broken by the sum of the games' points.
Maps in the Finals to be chosen by SLDL Admins.
The incentive to achieve higher ranking is to play a lower ranked team in the Finals.

The league maps will consist of standard and custom maps chosen from the SunLits map library.
Final's maps tba by the SLDL Admin.
All maps may be downloaded from SunLits DOD Map Library by registered site members.


4. Scheduling
Regular Season
All matches will be played on the Home team's server.
The default match time is Sunday 9pm est. Rescheduling is allowed under the following conditions:
If both clans agree to play a match at a different time/date of the week, this must:
(1) be approved by both clans

(2) occur anytime after the Sunday of the previous week's match but before Friday midnight of the following week's match.

(3) A record of the reschedule agreement ( email, mIRC, msn or server logs) should be kept.
(4) Once a reschedule has been agreed by both teams, all rules for showing up on time, forfeiture, etc. apply exactly as if the match were regularly scheduled.

If the two clans are unable to agree on an alternate date and time, the scheduled match will be maintained.

If a new version of DoDS and/or HalfLife2 is released during the tournament the following will be observed:
If released Monday - Friday: No change in weekly schedule.
If released Saturday - Sunday: The matches for the week will be postponed one week.

If a buggy/recall version of Steam/Source is released during the tournament, the following will be observed:
If released Monday - Friday: No change in weekly schedule.
If released Saturday - Sunday: The matches following the update will be rescheduled.

Championship Matches:
The final maps will be chosen by the League organizers .

These matches will be between the eight teams with the best overall regular season record. If more than one team has a tied overall win/loss record in the top spots, then the team's total points for all regular season matches will be the deciding factor to who will play in the final matches.

Quarter finals: 1st vs 8th, 2nd vs 7th, 3rd vs 6th, 4th vs 5th
Semi Finals:W1v8 v W4v5, W2v7 v W3v6
Finals: last two teams standing

The teams with the lower standing will decide which side they will play first. Same rules apply as a regular season match. Unless a tie occurs in a tie-breaker round, in which another two 10 minute rounds will be run.


5. Matchplay
Please have your team on the server 5 minutes prior to the match time. This will allow for discussion with the other clan leader about any potential problems. The scheduled away team will have the choice of which side they would like to play first.

A clan has fifteen minutes maximum after the assigned match time to have their team organized and accounted for on the game server. If a team is not ready by this time (ie) is 2 or more men short, a forfeit may be asked for.. The team that accepts the forfeit, receives a "win" for 1 point in the standings and 75 points for each round to a total of 150, the other team receives a "loss" and 0 points.

Matches are to be played 6 vs 6. Participating clans can both agree to play 6v5 or 5v5. If a team can not field 5 players a FF win is declared. The format must be agreed upon prior to the beginning of the match and the number maintained over both rounds. If a format cannot be agreed upon then the default will be used. If players drop mid match the opposing team is under no obligation to match the number of players, they may play a man or more up.

If there is an imbalance of average ping greater than 60, a screenshot is taken to verify pings. One round will be played on the home team's server and one round on the away team's server.

Summary of match procedure:
1. Both teams enter server and server changes to the map of the week. Home team executes the sldls.cfg.
2. Any waiver of rules is verified and documented in-game
3. Team ping is verified
4. Team
rosters are verified and the home team leader takes a screenshot of the rcon status (ma_users) screen.
All teams must verify and ok rosters BEFORE the match starts. A team may use a non-rostered player ONLY with the express permission and agreement of the opposing team. Starting the match with the players in game shows an implicit agreement between the teams that the rosters are acceptable. No dispute over rosters will be entertained by the Dispute Commitee over a played round EXCEPT in the case of an ineligible player being used in a Substitution.
5. If Mani Admin is installed , please execute ma_war 1 to disable any plugins. All players should start their demos.
6.Teams meet in the middle of map for screenshots with opposing team in view, primary weapons drawn, minimaps on and net_graph 3.
Sniper class should be scoped for screenshot. Minimaps and net_graph 3 may be turned off after screenshots.
7. Match starts when leader from each team types in global chat "ready".
8. Match round is played.
9. Screenshot of final score taken. Players stop demos.

Steps 1 to 9 are repeated for the second round of play.

During Match:
Only team captains are allowed to use global (mm1) chat during a match. Verbal abuse via public chat by one or more members of a clan is grounds for a forfeit and expulsion of that player from the league. Clan leaders: you are responsible for everything your members do during match, keep things orderly.

If the server should crash or lag out during a match the following will occur:

<0-15 minutes into a match> If this is the first incident of the day, the round will be restarted and the scores will be erased. If this is the second incident, the match will be rescheduled for the following week.

<16-29 minutes into a match> If this is the first incident of the day. The scores will be included, and the remaining time of the round will be played out and the scores of the two rounds will be added together to count as one round. Then the second round will be played. If this is the second incident, the match will be postponed and an SLDL administrator should be notified immediately to reschedule the match.

Once a match has begun, it continues on no matter what situation occurs unless both leaders of each clan agree in global chat that the match is stopped. This must be stated in global chat that there is an agreement.

At the end of the first round, a clan has 5 minutes to have all players return to the server and the round will be started. If a team loses a player(s) and they do not return within the 5 minutes then the clan will play short handed (up to 1 person missing) or will have to forfeit the second round. The delayed player should rejoin asap.

End of Match:
At the end of each round, screenshots will be taken by the teams. The two round scores will be added and will account for the final score of the match. The score shown immediately at the end of the round is the score to be used. The winning team should report the scores for rounds 1 and 2 and total ( not the screenshots themselves ) to Rosie or post in the Forums asap after the match . Spectators
No spectators will be allowed on the server except for SLDL Admin.
SourceTV is permitted under the following format: It must run on a 180 sec delay. The sourcetv demo must be made available to the opposing team at their request. If spectators in SourceTV are allowed, the visiting team must be supplied with the sourcetv ip and any password and allowed an equal number of spectator slots.

A player(s) may be replaced in an instance of connection failure or problems, rather than have a team playing a man short. The player to be replaced must leave before the substitute enters the server. The replacement player will stay until the end of the round. A screenshot of the status screen should be taken and the sub's STEAMID validated at the end of the round. Use of an unrostered substitute player will exact a penalty.

In the case of a forfeit, the team accepting the forfeit,will receive 75 points for each unplayed round to a total of 150 points and 1 point for the win in the standings. The forfeit team receives 0 game points and 0 points in the Standings.
If the forfeit results from a team being unable to complete or play the second round, the team accepting the forfeit (winning team ) will retain the points scored for the first round and receive 75 points for the unplayed round and 1 point in the Standings. The forfeit team receives 0 game points and 0 points in the Standings.

Regular Season:
If a tie occurs in the final scoring of the match. The tie will stand. Each team will be awarded 1 point for a Win.
Ties in the standings at the end of the regular season, will be broken on the basis of total team points.

If a tie occurs in the final scoring of the match, the tie breaker will be two rounds of 10 minutes apiece and use the sldls_ot.cfg If this is tied as well, then a tie breaker will be based on total number of kills over the two 10 minutes rounds.


6. Disputes
Do not argue in the server.
6.1 - If you have a dispute or comment about the score, your team leader needs to inform a SLDL Dispute Admin immmediately and a review of the game logs, demos and screenshots will give the final score.

6.2 - Dispute Process: In the case of a dispute, team leaders or designated match leaders must report the infraction to the Dispute or AntiCheat Admin. Disputes are not a public matter and should only be handled by an Admin. Posting disputes on public forums can lead to suspension.

A formal dispute must be filed within 24 hours of the match being reported.

6.3 - Submit violation and explain in detail. If you suspect a player of cheating, be prepared to list exactly where you think this occurred in the match and have evidence. Once a dispute has been filed, you may not bring additional disputes or information up in the future. Teams that choose to dispute must be prepared to give their demos to admins as well before the dispute process continues. You must be prepared to turn over evidence that could substantiate your accusation. If you do not have specifics or do not have evidence, your dispute will be thrown out. The admin you file the dispute with will give you specific information on turning over evidence. They may have you utilize email, upload to your website or ftp .

6.4 - The objecting team must provide evidence in the form of game logs, demos, screenshots or any other form contained in an email to the Dispute Panel. Demos and screenshots should be made available immediately. Teams are requested to limit the files they send to admins to only the required evidence that shows the items in dispute. If you suspect cheating during a match, be sure and take a screen shot showing all players Steam Ids and IP addresses.

6.5 - If necessary, the Dispute Admin will request the demos, screen shots or server logs from the opposing team. The opposing team will have 48 hours from the initial request to provide the requested items or risk forfeit or other disciplinary action. The accused team is under no obligation to provide demos to the complainant. The Admins are under no obligation to turn over evidence to the complainants.

6.6 - All evidence will be reviewed by admins and a ruling issued. In the case of Cheating Disputes, all demos will be reviewed by multiple AC| and Dispute admins. Any team that believes their opponent is cheating will be allotted two demo requests per season. By this meaning, The said team will be allowed to file a dispute up to two times per season. If the team in question is caught cheating, the team that filed a dispute will NOT lose one of their dispute requests. However, if the player from the team is found to have a corrupted demo, he will still receive the standard suspension, but the requesting team WILL lose a demo request.

This season disputes will be mediated by SLDL Admins on a dispute and anticheat panel.
These admin are:
Dispute Panel:

AC| Admin:

In the event the dispute involves one of the admin's teams, Pvt.John or Rosie will act in their place.
Many thanks to these gents for taking on this work.

7. Consequences
Class limits violated
a) if the SLDL admin determines this was an accidental occurrence of short duration, and that did not have a material effect on the outcome of the game, the team involved will get a warning.
b) if the SLDL admin determines this was either on purpose, or of long duration, or had a material effect on the outcome of the match, OR the team has had two prior warnings during the regular season, then the other team will have the option of being awarded 100 extra pts or replaying the round at their discretion.

Non -Rostered Substitute - if a player substituted in during a round is found to be non-rostered, as proven by screenshot of status screen, the player will be suspended from SLDL, and the team awarded a loss. A second infraction will result in suspension of the team from the SLDL.

Team size limit violated -
a) if an additional teammate enters the server accidentally and leaves immediately without leaving the spawn area and within one minute, the team will be given a warning.
b) if the teammate leaves the spawn, is there for more than one min, or kills or wounds a single opponent, or the clan involved has had two previous warnings during the season, or the SLDL admin determines the act was intentional, the round(s) to be replayed or forfeited at the discretion of the opposing team.

Player fails to record screenshots - one week suspension of player(s) in question. Upon second infraction of this rule, player(s) in question will at a minimum, be suspended for the duration of the current season. Match is overturned.

Inappropriate use of global chat - SLDL admins will review each case separately and determine what remedy is required for each situation.

Player(s) are documented to have cheated in a SLDL match - loss of match to offending team and ban of player from the league.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct - player(s) documented to be malicious, hateful or retaliatory to other league participant(s) may face a game suspension.

Player(s) caught using a map/model exploit or roofing - then the other team will have the option of being awarded 100 extra pts or replaying the round, at their discretion.

If both teams in a given match are determined to have violated rules during a match (i.e. "off setting penalties"), SLDL reserves the right to permit the final score to stand, require the match to be replayed or give forfeit losses out to each team involved. Rule violations do not have to be "equal" for this option to be enforced at the discretion of the SLDL admin.


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