The New Forums are Here!

This is a test.

Hello Sunlits!
Good job Pvt.John

Holy cow I love the administration panel for the forums. Drag and drop ftw

The layout and color scheme is pretty nice, too.

hmmmm it is.... LOL
lost my sig.... have it somewhere and now I have a place to put it on the web.
I just have to find out how to use it, hope Verizon makes it easy :)
If you would like, Firefly, you can e-mail it to me and I can upload it to the SunLit site. You can then link to it from this or any other forums.

Thanks John will do that :) as soon as I find it :D
Well Monty told me but I had to see for my own eyes... ...however sunlits is not the large SUV it once was but now a smartcar. Here's to what's next I suppose.


<em>Edited by VariableGrelot on Feb 27, 2012 - 04:13 PM.</em>