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  Left4Dead Demo Servers    
Posted By RosietheRiveter -  
SunLit has 2 demo servers running

SunLit L4DDemo (expert)

SunLit L4DDemo2 (advanced)

You can join through the Steam Friends list or the L4D Ingame scrolling friends list.

You can open a server browser in game:

1) Enable Console or for you Euros

bind "F10" "toggleconsole"

2) type in "openserverbrowser"

You may or not see servers in the Internet or Custom Tabs

You can add the SunLit servers to your Favourites or after you have joined once, you will be able to find them under History Tab

Those who pre-order the game may pre-load the game so they are able to play at 12:01 am EST on November 18, 2008 when the game is made available.

Sunday, November 16, 2008     Printer-friendly page  
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