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  Kicked for Illegal Alias Error    
Posted By RosietheRiveter -  
Kicked for Illegal Alias Error

The latest Steam update has added a clientside cvar

Source Engine

* Added new cl_restrict_server_commands to prevent unwanted commands being run on game clients. The default value is 1, valid settings are:

o 0 = Don't restrict any server commands

o 1 = Restrict server commands in Valve multiplayer games

o 2 = Restrict server commands in all multiplayer games

Sounds like a good idea but , players entering a server with CALenforce and/or CALibrate may be "kicked by console for using an illegal alias".

That doesnt mean a secret identity ;)

It indicates that your config is blocking the calenforce/cvarx plugins from editing your cfg to "legal" values.

So you have two options at the moment

1) type in console before you join server cl_restrict_server_commands 0

2) play on servers that do not use the CALenforce/cvarx plugins.

We have disabled the cvar consistency plugins on the Annex MOTW till this can be sorted out

Thursday, November 16, 2006     Printer-friendly page  
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