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  SunLit's New Download System    
Posted By Pvt_John -  
ExDownload Main Page

Today, we are launching our new download system. A picture of the main page is at left (click to enlarge).

This new system was developed for us by one of our longtime members, Hurricane. He hasn't been able to play for almost a year now, because he's on dial-up, but he's been busily working on this important contribution to our community.

This new system is a module for the content management system that SunLit uses, PostNuke. Hurricane has named the module "ExDownload." The new module is a database-driven system, which is much better than what we've been doing all these years.

Believe it or not, the web pages for displaying the hundreds of maps and other file downloads we have at SunLit has most often been hand-coded HTML. This new system will make adding new maps much easier for us admins, but it will also offer some very nifty features to our members.

ExDownload CategoriesThe new system allows for multiple categories and subcategories, allowing us to better organize all our files and make it easier to navigate the system. Another nice navigational feature is something called "breadcrumbing." This refers to the series of categories and subcategories you are currently viewing, listed in the title bar at the top. Click on the category you want to go back to the appropriate page.

ExDownload Map Details Page

One of the most dramatic new features of ExDownload is the ability to have lots of information about each map (or other file offered for download). A picture of the the Map Details page is at right (click to enlarge). Note that there can be a review of the map and multiple pictures. Clicking on each thumbnail will show a larger version of the image as well.

Something I know many of our members have asked about in the past is for the ability to rate and review maps themselves. Now you can. At the bottom of each map detail page, registered users can post a comment and rate the map themselves.

Another powerful new feature is the search box. Users can now type in a search phrase and automatically search our entire database. You no longer have to scroll through numbered pages to find the map "dod_pier_b2." If you know the name, or part of the name, just type it in the box and hit the search button. Furthermore, the search feature does not simply search the titles of download files, it searches the reviews and comments as well. For instance, if you want to find "that cool DOD Source map that's based on Chemille," but you can't remember the name, just type in "Chemille" and hit search. Since the review of dod_coire mentions that it is a remake of dod_chemille, you'll find your map.

There are more goodies you'll discover as you explore the new system. Just click on "Downloads" on the main menu to get started. Go check it out now! Leave some comments on your favorite maps!

And many, many thanks to Hurricane for all his effort on this excellent new system. Thanks, too, to Rosie for doing most of the data entry!

Thursday, October 12, 2006     Printer-friendly page  


Author: Pvt_John
Oct 12, 2006
Re: SunLit's New Download System

Author: Hurricane
Oct 12, 2006
Re: SunLit's New Download System
Great job on updating the database Rosie. I know you've been working hard the last week or so on populating it.

Author: Pvt_John
Oct 12, 2006
Re: SunLit's New Download System
Another neat feature, is that there is information stored on map authors. Just click on the map author's name to see the info.

Author: holiday_hero
Oct 12, 2006
Re: SunLit's New Download System
Seriously nice<br />

Author: RosietheRiveter
Oct 12, 2006
Re: SunLit's New Download System
Thank YOU Hurricane<br />
I just filled in the fields, you are the brains behind the outfit :D

Author: Mig
Oct 12, 2006
Re: SunLit's New Download System
Lots of good work... thanks, Hurri, Rosie, John.

Author: [KWI]BoBLoblaw
Oct 12, 2006
Re: SunLit's New Download System
You guys rock!

Author: [KWI]BoBLoblaw
Oct 12, 2006
Re: SunLit's New Download System
Seriously! <br />
<br />
\m/_ _\m/

Author: Ripshot
Oct 13, 2006
Re: SunLit's New Download System
OUTSTANDING!!!! A big good job to all involved in this project!!

Author: RosietheRiveter
Oct 18, 2006
Re: SunLit's New Download System
PvtJohn did almost all the DODS reviews. :)<br />
I worked on the source authors, and info and reviews for HLDM, HL2DM, and DOD1.3.<br />
Adding new reviews and info for the DODS maps is so easy now!<br />
Good job Hurricane

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