"This Steam account does not own this game" error. [1]

Posted by Pvt_John on Oct 01, 2006 - 02:24 PM

If you are getting kicked with an error message that "This Steam account does not own this game," be aware that this is not a problem with the SunLit servers.

It is some sort of problem with Valve's Steam network. It is happening to users all over the place, including CS:S servers.

There does not seem to be anything either players or server operators can do to fix it.

There's a thread about it over on the steam forums, so I'm sure Valve is aware of it and working on it. You can find more info here [2].
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  1. http://sunlitgames.net/index.php?module=News&func=display&sid=409
  2. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=492618
  3. http://sunlitgames.net/index.php?module=Users&func=register