There are no shortage of new maps popping up. Some show great potential while others are obviously still works in progress. The maps' lack of HDR support is actually a bonus as the maps yield high fps. SunLit will be running new maps on Futurama and adding them to the map cycle dependant on their playablilty and popularity. They will download from in game.
dod_hkksblitzkriegb1_d is a medium sized map an interesting layout. There are building interiors for cover, a bottleneck and
scalable walls. There is no black texture drop out but some of the reflective floor surfaces are rainbow hued. Its not your vid card ;). The Fps dips in the middle but its definitely playable.
dod_chyard7 is in its seventh incarnation and looks worth the effort. :) Its a small map with a church tower for the snipers, first and second floor building interiors and straight aways for some intense run and gunning.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 |