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  New Website Theme    
Posted By Pvt_John -  
We've just finished a new theme for the website. The old one was OK, although not that fancy. Then it broke when we upgraded the site to PostNuke .761. This gave us a good excuse to redesign the whole theme from the ground up.

It's now up and active. Condsider it a beta, though :) There are probably a few mistakes we've overlooked. Stick a comment on this article if you find anything obviously messed up.

Hope you enjoy it. It's meant to be easy to read -- especially for those of us who spend hours each day looking at it -- and also consistent and polished looking.

Many thanks to Drek for his excellent advice on getting the forum theme to match (your e-mails and forum posts from previously were most helpful). Also, thanks to Bone for his help on color-matching.

Let us know what you think!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005     Printer-friendly page  


Author: The_Moel
Oct 05, 2005
Re: New Website Theme
The new look is awesome! Excellent job!

Author: Pvt_John
Oct 05, 2005
Re: New Website Theme
Glad you like it, Moel :)

Author: redo
Oct 05, 2005
Re: New Website Theme
Looks very nice. Easy on the eyes, laid back.<br />
<br />
Oh, and welcome back from your restup.

Author: Drek
Oct 05, 2005
Re: New Website Theme
As I shouted, looks amazing, good job! Glad to have been a help *warm fuzzies all round*. :)

Author: Hurricane
Oct 05, 2005
Re: New Website Theme
Very nice.

Author: Anonymous
Oct 06, 2005
Re: New Website Theme
looks very good people.

Author: LadyHawk
Oct 06, 2005
Re: New Website Theme
You guys have put a lot of thought and effort into making this nice. What a talented bunch. Thank you very much! I particularly like the "Who's on line" feature and how it lights up when you go to click on something. LadyHawk

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