17 anonymous guests on-line.
Skyrim is on sale for the ridiculous price of $7
The Game of the Year Edition of Skyrim + 3 DLC is on for just $20
Go Go Go!
If you have already started Torchlight 2
Right click on Torchlight 2
Click on Properties
Click on Updates
Uncheck synchronize with STEAM cloud
Wouldn't hurt to make a back up of your saves My Games --> Torchlight 2 folder
Apparently there was an issue with the Shared Stash contents being wiped with the release of Patch 1.10
Sunday, September 23, 2012 |
Black Mesa at 100% Nice work everyone!
The first 10 titles coming to Steam from Greenlight are:
Black Mesa,
Cry of Fear,
Heroes & Generals,
No More Room in Hell,
Project Zomboid,
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 |
From the Black Mesa Devs
"We have gotten a lot of remarks, questions and demands that we get Black Mesa on Steam. In the past, the answer has always been the same..."It's not our decision!" Well, it still isn't our decision. But now it's yours.
Black Mesa is now on the Steam Greenlight service. YOU can now be a part of helping get the game on Steam. Not only through your votes but through your help in getting all your friends and peers to vote for Black Mesa!
The more votes we get, the closer we will be to not only getting the game on Steam, but getting Steam integration. This doesn't just mean easier installation and updates for everyone, but it means a host of other advantages such as Achievement Tracking, Stat tracking, Steam Cloud, (eventual) Matchmaking services, Steam Community features, and a host of other useful things.
In short, it will help us make Black Mesa more awesome for you guys! So get out there and help us do this!"
Mod Vote Comparison Chart
Wednesday, September 05, 2012 |
STEAM Summer Sale July 12-22
What are you buying?
What do you recommend?
Post your suggestions here
Friday, July 13, 2012 |
Our download section is now back online.
Happy downloading.
Thursday, February 16, 2012 |
Message from Gabe to Steam Community
Dear Steam Users and Steam Forum Users:
We continue our investigation of last year's intrusion with the help of outside security experts. In my last note about this, I described how intruders had accessed our Steam database but we found no evidence that the intruders took information from that database. That is still the case.
Recently we learned that it is probable that the intruders obtained a copy of a backup file with information about Steam transactions between 2004 and 2008. This backup file contained user names, email addresses, encrypted billing addresses and encrypted credit card information. It did not include Steam passwords.
We do not have any evidence that the encrypted credit card numbers or billing addresses have been compromised. However as I said in November it's a good idea to watch your credit card activity and statements. And of course keeping Steam Guard on is a good idea as well.
We are still investigating and working with law enforcement authorities. Some state laws require a more formal notice of this incident so some of you will get that notice, but we wanted to update everyone with this new information now.
Friday, February 10, 2012 |
This is the new SunLit website. The old site was on a system (PostNuke) that was no longer supported, and therefore no longer secure. This new one has been moved to a new system called Zikula.
Your username and password has been preserved from the old site. The new site also allows new user registration.
The primary aim of the new site is to provide a place for all the friends that were made during our heyday to be able to keep in touch with each other. So, we've got forums, and we hope to get the chat box back up again if we can.
Our secondary goal is to preserve our rather extensive download library of custom maps and other items for the benefit of the greater gaming community that still plays games like HL1, HL2DM, DOD, DODS, etc. Restoring the download section will come later. With the help of the author of the download plugin, Hurricane, it should be possible.
Please note that it is possible to view and add comments on articles by clicking on the article title in the top left.
Friday, February 10, 2012 |
1 comment
It is with some sadness that we have to announce that our game servers will be terminated sometime before March 9. Our website will also be down-sized considerably. It is the end of an era here at SunLit Games, as we have had an active website and game servers running since our beginnings as a Half-Life community over twelve years ago.
Our community is just not very active anymore, and it makes no sense to continue paying for a dedicated server that runs game server instances that are empty of players most of the time and for a dedicated web server that we don't need. So, it is time for us to re-configure our resources to match our current level of activity. Our focus from this point forward will be providing a basic website with some forums so that all the people that have made great friendships through this community over the years will have an easy way to stay in touch with each other.
We would like to say that it has been an honor and a privilege to be able to run this place for these many years. We have met some great people and had a lot of fun playing with all of you. And we'd both like to say a very heartfelt thank you to everyone who has helped us over the years -- all the people who donated their hard-earned cash, the people who helped us with the website, who helped run the SLDL, and of course the tireless efforts of our Enforcers back in our heyday.
Finally, if there are any of you out there who would like to take over running the SunLit site or game servers, please contact us or post in the forums.
Rosie and Pvt. John
Thursday, February 02, 2012 |
I know some of you play BF3. Here is a heads up on hackers attacking servers using Punkbuster and players being framed as cheaters.
EA recommends players avoid playing on servers requiring the software.
"We are actively looking into the specifics of this issue and we are confident that we will have a permanent solution in place shortly. In the meantime, if a player's connectivity has been affected, we recommend that in the interim they join servers that are not running PunkBuster. There is a filter setting for this in the multiplayer server browser," an EA spokesperson said.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 |
The last L4D2 update corrupted the servers' steamclient.dll file and we will need to wait for Valve to release a patch or roll back the file for a permanent fix.
In the meantime, copying the file from the TF2 server over to L4D2 seems to do the trick.Both servers up and running again
Thursday, January 12, 2012 |
The Bioshock series is older but for $4.99 for each of I and II , its a real deal.
I found Bioshock I to be more entertaining but $4.99 to return to Rapture in Bioshock II isn't bad.
Saturday, December 31, 2011 |
A Happy Holiday greeting to the SunLit community.
Good wishes to you, your friends and families.
Sunday, December 25, 2011 |
"Hot on the heels of the Clans & Tournaments update, we're excited to announce that the PC version of Brink is currently completely free to play on Steam. You'll be able to enjoy the full game including all of the new clan features until this Sunday at 9 PM UK time. Better yet, Brink, the Agents of Change add-on pack, and the character customisation packs are all 75% off on Steam ($6.49) during this time, so this is a great time to pick it up if you want to keep playing or are looking to extend your Brink collection." - Source
Thursday, December 01, 2011 |
Need to work on the servers this morning
Wont be too long
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 |
Saturday, November 26, 2011 |
Please sign this petition help getting this fixed ASAP. (Sign in with battlelog login) - JonnyLaw
Primary issues are that in order to counter stat padding, they set a minimum of 4 players before server/map starts. That effectively means that you can not move until there 4 or more players on the server.
On top of that the update included forced idle kick time. Which means that since you are not moving you will automatically be kicked, even if you are moving your mouse and using the keyboard.
This makes it close to impossible to seed servers, as you spend loads of time being stuck waiting for 4 players to join, just to get kicked after a couple of minutes.
This is something that are making server owners drop their BF3 servers.
The worst part is that this is not a new problem!
This was a highly criticized problem in BF2, BF2142 and BFBC2. The optimal solution, of course, would be to disable stats until player count is up to 4 or more.
Friday, November 25, 2011 |
Agressor and Gemini Saga have released an updated and final version of 7 Hours Later II
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 |
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 |
"Dear Steam Users and Steam Forum Users:
Our Steam forums were defaced on the evening of Sunday, November 6. We began investigating and found that the intrusion goes beyond the Steam forums.
We learned that intruders obtained access to a Steam database in addition to the forums. This database contained information including user names, hashed and salted passwords, game purchases, email addresses, billing addresses and encrypted credit card information. We do not have evidence that encrypted credit card numbers or personally identifying information were taken by the intruders, or that the protection on credit card numbers or passwords was cracked. We are still investigating.
We don’t have evidence of credit card misuse at this time. Nonetheless you should watch your credit card activity and statements closely.
While we only know of a few forum accounts that have been compromised, all forum users will be required to change their passwords the next time they login. If you have used your Steam forum password on other accounts you should change those passwords as well.
We do not know of any compromised Steam accounts, so we are not planning to force a change of Steam account passwords (which are separate from forum passwords). However, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to change that as well, especially if it is the same as your Steam forum account password.
We will reopen the forums as soon as we can.
I am truly sorry this happened, and I apologize for the inconvenience.
The article
Are You a Data Breach Victim? Here's What to Do"
from PC World is a good overview of what you can do to protect your identity.
Thursday, November 10, 2011 |
Troubling news indeed
If your STEAM account and STEAM Forum user name and password are the same , it would be prudent to change the STEAM account password and secret question.
"The Steam Forums are temporarily offline for maintenance. Your patience is appreciated.†That’s the message you’ll get if you’re trying to log into the Steam forums at the moment. They’ve been taken down due to an apparent hack that briefly saw front page text changed to advertise a game hacks site. Eurogamer say that some Steam users have had their email addresses spammed with messages from this site
A screenshot of the Steam forums before the hack shows that the official notices section at the top of the page had been altered to promote a site called Fkn0wned. The hack is a worrying breach of Steam’s usually watertight security, and is especially concerning for users whose Steam login details are the same as their Steam account username and password. Valve haven’t commented on the breach yet."
Monday, November 07, 2011 |
The Halloween update brings 10 new achievements, new masks and costumes
Masks are dropped on Manor Event and costume on "Eyeaduct"
List and explanations found here
Join in for some spooky fun
SunLit 24/7 Happy Halloween
Friday, October 28, 2011 |
Apologies from the admin to these players who were kicked / banned during a griefer's shenaigans
Holy Halloween Batman (Federicu)
Monday, October 24, 2011 |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 |
Its back :)
Cpl. Punishment has released his faithful port of dod_switch
Now playing on SunLit Futurama
Friday, October 14, 2011 |