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Downloads :: Day of Defeat Source :: Maps :: dod_rails_b2
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Name: dod_rails_b2
Rating: Rating: 4
Author: dart
Date Added: Nov 02, 2006
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Size: Not Available
Description: Port of railroad 2 DOD 1.3
Review: Dart has created a port of the Insta's original dod_railroad2 for DoD.
Somewhere between railroad3b3 and salerno in appearance it retains high fps with Source sophistication.

Medium sized map set in village by trainyard.
5 flags with the centre courtyard a two man cap.
The map is balanced. There is a mix of open areas and close-in areas. The map is big enough to be interesting, but small enough that things move quickly.

Designed specifically for match play in 6v6 format, this is considered the final version in the railroad series.

User Reviews

Average User Rating: Rating: 5
Rating: 5 Pvt_John (Houston, Texas)
November 19, 2006 - See all my reviews

One of the best custom source maps. It's fun, it looks good, and the framerates are good. Hard to beat that :)

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