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Downloads :: Day of Defeat Source :: Maps :: dod_claviers
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Name: dod_claviers
Rating: Rating: 4
Author: otF yetihw
Date Added: Sep 18, 2006
Download: Download
Size: Not Available
Description: Small, clever, urban combat map
Review: Dod_claviers is a very well-made map. It is set in an urban environment, with lots of passages through buildings, narrow cobblestone streets, tunnels, etc.

There are five flags, including a two-man cap at the center.

The map plays very well. There is good flow, with many different paths to get from one side of the map to the other. The mapper made good use of vertical space. That is, the landscape is not flat and two-dimensional. It is contoured, like you usually find it in real life. The paths through the map often are up high (e.g., planks linking upper floor windows of buildings), or down low (there's a tunnel), in addition to street level.
There's an easter egg. Look for a wine bottle that looks out of place.

Changelog for the final version:
Changelist since b2a:

* Expansion of tunnels - church cellar now leads to Axis 2nd as well as Allied 2nd
* Added more cover around the map
* Complete re-design of some brushworkand displacements, for optimisation purposes
* Lots of optimisation, mainly concerning model fade distances
* Map now has a soundscape
* Re-design of house interior at middle flag from Allied spawn for improved cover from grenades etc.
* Both spawns have been touched up a bit, including better protection at both and more detail

The framerates are good, even with 20+ players.
Minimap included
17MB bzip2

The map is suitable for match play.

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